Well we’re almost to March and boy has February been a whirlwind! Since my last blog post where I was a bit frustrated in the slowness of progress things have really picked up and I think we’ve turned a corner. It all started with getting the ball rolling on our new roaster from Diedrich. After looking at many suppliers, it just made sense to go with a top manufacturer that is located only an hour and half from us in Sandpoint.
If you saw our post last week on FB than you know how excited I was when we were finally able to place the order, that instrument is awesome and I can’t wait to get my hands on it! Speaking of, in order to actually be able to use it once it arrives I also signed up for a 3 day roasting class in Sandpoint put on by Diedrich at the end of March. This should be a real eye opener into the roasting business and I’ll be able to get some hands on experience with some top professionals!
Now where will we put said roaster…..hmmm…well the big news for this blog post is that we are currently in lease talks for a building in uptown Kellogg! I hope to get the paperwork soon, and then if all goes well we will be moving into the building at the 1st of April! I’ll be posting some pictures and an address once we finalize the deal!
Just a few other notes: we have bags picked out, we have created a bag design for a possible blend, and we have started working with a really neat group out of Coeur d’ Alene called Passionate Harvest Coffee, where we will likely be purchasing our green beans! Oh and coming soon….mugs in the store section of the website, 6 colors to choose from!