Well it’s been awhile since my last blog so let me fill you in on where exactly we are with progress. We didn’t end up in uptown Kellogg, but are opening on Cameron Ave in Kellogg. The roasting class in Sandpoint was amazing and I learned a lot/met some good people to share ideas with and receive advice from. The roaster is here and has been ducted (waiting on electrical), and we are currently updating our building interior!
With so much going on, and holding down an 8-5 life has been a little crazy, so, thanks to my loving wife for listening to me tell endless stories about coffee, and working with me though my lows and triumphs over the last few months. (and helping with drywall/painting/decorating!) We are both really excited about how things are evolving and hope you are too!
Our hope is to have a coffee selection available for you before Memorial Day and also to host an open house around the same time where you can meet and greet and get an idea of how the roasting process works!