In your September shipment you’ll find one blend and one single origin. Living in the Northwest, and getting to enjoy some amazing mountain views we decided to name a blend after these extreme places, so I present to you our Alpine Blend. This blend has 3 unique coffees combined to create a taste that is rich, full in body, with chocolate and spice.


~Hiking a nearby alpine lake

Our second offering this month comes from the Huehuetanago region of Guatemala, more specifically from the Leonarda estate. This coffee is a medium roast and presents with some nice fruit and chocolate flavors. A portion of the proceeds from our purchase of this green coffee is also returned to Guatemala thought the work of Potter’s Field Kids. You can read more about their work in our section of what your purchase supports here.

Below are the details about our Guatemala coffee:

Elevation about 5200 feet
Farm Gustavo Mauricio Tello family estate
Origin Central America
Farmer Gustavo Mauricio Tello
City La Mesilla – Latitude. 15.6166667°, Longitude. -91.9833333°
Region La Libertad, Huehuetenango
Farm Size less than 600 acres
Processing system Washed. Wet milled at the farm, dry milled in Esquintla for export
Variety Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra
Practices Shade grown. Wet milled at the farm and dry milled in Esquintla

Happy Brewing!
